Labor zur Edelgasmassenspektrometrie
Prof. Dr. Mario Trieloff
Institut für Geowissenschaften
Im Neuenheimer Feld 236
69120 Heidelberg
Tel. +49 6221 54-6022/ -4887
Finnigan MAT GD-150
Nu-Instruments Noblesse Edelgas Massenspektrometer
Bestimmung von Edelgasisotopen zur Gesteinsdatierung mittels der 40Ar/39Ar- und 129I/129Xe-Methode.
Bestimmung kosmogener Edelgasnuklide.
Wichtige Publikationen
Trieloff M., Kunz J., Clague D.A., Harrison D. and Allègre C.J. (2000) The nature of pristine noble gases in mantle plumes. Science 288, 1036-1038.
Trieloff M., Jessberger E.K., Herrwerth I., Hopp J., Fiéni C., Ghélis M., Bourot-Denise M. and Pellas P. (2003). Structure and thermal history of the H-chondrite parent asteroid revealed by thermochronometry. Nature 422, 502-506.
Hopp J., Trieloff M., and Altherr R. (2007a) Noble gas compositions of the lithospheric mantle below the Chyulu Hills volcanic field, Kenya. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 261, 635-648.
Schmieder M., Schwarz W.H., Trieloff M., Tohver E., Buchner E., Hopp J., Osinski G.R. (2015) New 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Clearwater Lake impact structures (Québec, Canada) - Not the binary asteroid impact it seems? Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 148 304-324.