Dr. rer. nat. Kathrin Foshag

Senior scientist at the Institute of Geography at Heidelberg University, HCE Member since 2023.

My key research questions are:

  • How can urban adaptation to climate change, in particular the reduction of heat exposure in public spaces and heat stress, be designed and implemented in a research-based, practical and participatory way?
  • What is the role of actors and their different perspectives on environmental and sustainability issues and grand challenges in general?
  • How can participation, solutions and information be designed and made accessible to different target groups?
  • What is the role of climate change education (ESD, future skills, transformative teaching, etc.) and how can it be made successful, targeted, action and solution oriented? How must future teachers and decision-makers be trained in this context?

More about me

Why I joined the HCE

I know the HCE and have followed its activities from the very beginning. Whether it's the Heidelberg Bridge events, the HCE Future College, which I attended during my PhD, or other networking events, the HCE initially accompanied my studies and has always been a part of my work for many years. Becoming a personal member was therefore a logical and desired step due to the connection and cooperation with numerous other members.

My highlights so far

First of all, it was the broad insight and numerous impulses from the colloquium lectures that I regularly attended during my university studies and doctoral phase in environmental research. I have always found the interdisciplinary and sometimes transdisciplinary perspectives exciting and enriching. This enabled me to find points of contact in terms of content and personal issues during my doctorate. The HCE Future College was also one of the best experiences; personal support, peer-to-peer advice in combination with targeted support measures greatly enhanced my time as a PhD student. I now see the HCE as the basis for understanding environmental research at the University of Heidelberg, which offers me a broad network that is much more accessible through this common basis than without it.

My key partners

  • Many colleagues, especially in Geography (mostly Geoinformatics), Environmental Physics and HIGH, as well as at HSE and PH Heidelberg. 
  • Several connections to institutions dealing with teacher training and ESD via the HSE and the ESD network.
  • More or less close contacts with Copenhagen, Taiwan, some places in the US, TU Munich and others.
  • Many non-university stakeholders with some close cooperation, e.g. in municipal administrations and institutions, especially in the metropolitan region but also beyond; other partners in institutions representing e.g. vulnerable groups.