Prof. Dr. Norbert Frank

Professor of Physics at the Institute for Environmental Physics at Heidelberg University, HCE member since 2013.

I am most interested in understanding the evolution of climate towards our present climate state and the consequences of past natural climate variability on the human evolution as well as the one of ecosystems, such as marine ecosystems. The time scales of interest range from a few centuries to a million years of climate system functioning.  

More about me

Why I joined the HCE

This dates back when I decided to join the Heidelberg University as a professor for physics and earth sciences. The HCE was just founded and I was convinced that the University requires a cross-disciplinary science initiative regarding the major societal challenge of future climate change and global warming. I have been working all my career between different science fields from archeology, marine biology to fundamental physics and thus becoming a member was a logical consequence when I decide to join Heidelberg University.

My highlights so far

There are many such experiences, but the first joined application with colleagues of the geography department to study the climate impact at the end of the Roman Empire was great fun, even if it was finally not funded by the DFG. The second was the proposal of a joined analytical infra-structure (HEAP) to the DFG, which was not funded either. Most recently the sustainability think tank was an enlightening adventure and truely interdisciplinary co-working. While the cross disciplinary funding ideas have yet not been successful, the networking was and is a great benefit.

My key partners

At the HCE key partners are at the Earth Science institute, Geography and Archeology.