Participation of students in the sustainability strategy process

Students have various opportunities to get involved in the process of developing the sustainability strategy for Heidelberg University. These are outlined below.

Sustainability idea

Students have the opportunity to submit their sustainability ideas via the following link, which will be discussed in the respective working group.

Your sustainability idea

Participation in the Sustainability Think Tank

In addition, students are represented in the Sustainability Think Tank's working groups and serve as student ambassadors. For example, there are representatives from the Eco Department and the Teacher Training Group.

Bridge Seminar

In addition, bridging seminars are held, which have a different focus each year and whose outputs are to be considered in different ways in the sustainability strategy process.

For example, the Sustainable Strategy Development seminar was held in winter semester 23/24, in which the students applied their newly acquired knowledge and skills directly in practice and jointly developed elements of a possible sustainability strategy for Heidelberg University, which will be taken into account in the further development process.


Survey from Students

The Department of Ecology and Sustainability conducted a survey asking around 700 students what they think about climate protection at Heidelberg University. You can find a detailed analysis of the survey with graphics here: 
