Jun. Prof. Dr. Rosa Lehmann
Junior Professor of “Innovation and Sustainability in Ibero-America” at the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS) at Heidelberg University, HCE member since 2021.
My key research questions are:
- How can conflicts around sustainability and climate policies and actions be explained?
- What are the sociospatial implications of projects and infrastructures that are aimed at decarbonization and sustainability (e.g. renewable energies, e-mobility, transition minerals)?
- What are justice concerns in current struggles around a socio-ecological transformation?

Why I joined the HCE
I think that the multiple crises we face need interdisciplinary dialogue in which social and natural sciences and humanities engage on equal footing. In my view, HCE offers such as space.
My highlights so far
I have experiences a lot of discussions and bilateral conversations with colleagues from totally different fields - and I always felt a bit smarter afterwards.
My key partners
I work and collaborate with Thomas Rausch (Biology) and Tanja Peskan (Biology) in the 4EU+ (flagship Environmental Transitions). I collaborate with Ulrike Gerhard (Geography), Jale Tosun (Political Science) and Renata Motta (Sociology) in teaching and research.