
Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE)
Tel. +49 6221 54-6530


JRG "Environment and Society"

Dr. Dominik Collet
Department of History
Grabengasse 3-5
69117 Heidelberg


JRG "Environment and Health"

Dr. Juliane Dame
c/o South Asia Institute
Voßstraße 2
69115 Heidelberg

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HCE Junior Research Groups


As a part of the Institutional Strategy of Heidelberg University, funded by the German Excellence Initiative (Phase II), the HCE has set up two interdisciplinary Junior Research Groups.

"Environment and Society. Facing Famine in the Early Modern World"

Silbermedaille 1773The JRG investigates the co-development and entanglement of society and environment focussing on early modern food crises. The JRG is interdisciplinary in scope and combines approaches of environmental history, historical climatology, social ecology and postcolonial studies. [More...]


"Environment and Health in Arid Regions: Dynamics of Urbanisation, Challenges of Water Resource Management and New Risks for Human Well-Being"

Bazaar in Leh (c) Juliane DameThe Junior Research Group analyses the dynamics of coupled social-ecological systems with a specific focus on health and environment. The interdisciplinary project builds on a cooperation between the South Asia Institute, the Institute of Geography and the Institute of Public Health (now Heidelberg Institute of Global Health) at the HCE. [More...]

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