Educational Offer
At Heidelberg University, environment-related subjects play a central role in numerous existing courses of study, ranging from the natural to the social and cultural sciences. The Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) regularly offers interdisciplinary courses such as excursions and seminars as part of the Marsilius Studies. In addition, HCE scientists are involved as lecturers at selected school events and in the field of Education for Sustainable Development.
Collegio Futuro
Collegio Futuro is a joint interdisciplinary PhD college of the 4EU+ member universities. It seeks to foster the essential skills that future leaders need in order to tackle our urgent environmental, economic and social challenges. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in a series of workshops and receive mentoring and support from a European network of peers.
HCE College
Many young scientists dream of a scientific career. However, the path to this goal seems difficult and confusing. This is where the HCE College comes in and offers support to young scientists in the form of networking, advice and financial support. In this way, they are specifically supported in planning, starting and shaping their careers.
Nachhaltigkeit lehren lernen (NALELE)
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has been a central field of action in Germany's sustainability strategy since the beginning of the UN Decade of the same name (2005-2014), which was first adopted in 2002. Further impetus has been provided against the backdrop of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the UNESCO World Action Program “Education for Sustainable Development” (2015-2019), as well as the National Action Plan on ESD adopted on this basis in June 2017. Education that enables people to shape their thoughts and actions in a way that is fit for the future is central to sustainable development. The consequences of one's own behavior for the world are made comprehensible, enabling people to come to decisions that are responsible and in line with sustainable development.