Prof. Dr. Marcus A. Koch

Director at Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) Heidelberg, Founding Director of HCE in 2011 and Managing Director of HCE in 2020/2021.

My evolutionary and biodiversity research is focusing on levels of biological variation varying from molecules to landscapes with a focus on organismal biology. Our laboratory is the wilderness … evolutionary past is setting the scheme and the wild provides the experimental framing and the biological material.

My research is driven by gaining a deep understanding of the rise and fall of biodiversity. This includes also collection-based research and serving the society developing respective strategies and resources as Director of Heidelberg Botanical Gardens and Herbarium. 

More about me

Why I joined the HCE

Networking with excellent colleagues from other disciplines across our university to fully explore the potential at Heidelberg to find answers to our research questions at borderlines of environmental research.

My highlights so far

It was always an exciting journey to develop and establish successful research projects in which biology have played an important but not the dominant role. One such example is the research consortium AgroBioDiv, in which we developed transformation strategies towards more sustainable agriculture. It was also a pleasure to be awarded two times a Marsilius-fellowship to explore further ideas born at HCE focusing on broader aspects of biodiversity and landscapes.

My key partners

Are international and span all continents. But it is always a pleasure to collaborate very closely with HCE colleagues at Heidelberg University!