Dr. rer. nat. Sanam Vardag
Senior scientist at the Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP) at Heidelberg University, HCE member since 2017.
I use atmospheric transport models to answer the following questions:
- How much CO2 do specific regions (neighborhoods, cities, regions, …, contients) emit?
- How can we optimize emission estimates? By improving transport modelling? By smart sensor placement?
- Which mechanisms determine the CO2 emissions from the biosphere?
And together with HCE members: How can my data and results best support climate action?

Why I joined the HCE
Engaging in creative collaboration and expanding my network! By connecting with inspiring scholars from diverse fields, I am able to push the boundaries of my own discipline, think outside the box, and place my research in fresh and exciting contexts.
My highlights so far
Developing the idea for a joint project on tailoring climate data to enhance climate action was a highly rewarding process. We had numerous discussions with HCE members from diverse disciplines, exploring the challenges and opportunities for climate action. It was incredibly fulfilling to see scholars from various fields collaborate, identify shared scientific questions, and work together on innovative solutions. Together, we were able to tackle the big-picture issues while also delving deep into both natural and social mechanisms.
My key partners
I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with many inspiring members of the HCE network, who have become invaluable assets to my research. My connections span a wide range of disciplines, including physics, geography, geoinformatics, environmental economics, earth sciences, political science, psychology, and computational studies. In Germany, I work with colleagues at institutions like the Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, the German Weather Service in Offenbach, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and TU Munich. Internationally, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with researchers at ETH Zürich (Switzerland), the University of Maryland (USA), and Université de Reims (France), among others. These partnerships have significantly enriched my work and broadened my perspectives.