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Nature-based Solutions and Health in the Context of Climate Change

Marina Treskova, Ph.D., Universität Heidelberg

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) play a key role in Europe's strategies for addressing climate change through both mitigation and adaptation. By fostering ecosystems, NbS can generate both beneficial and adverse effects on the health of humans, animals, and the environment, resulting in co-benefits as well as unintended outcomes. As these solutions are progressively incorporated into policies and applied in practice, it is crucial to embrace evidence-based methods for their design and implementation. This approach is essential to reduce the risks of maladaptation and misclassification, particularly in the context of health.

In this talk, I will introduce the core concepts of NbS, exploring how they are evaluated and their links to human and animal health. I will focus on the health-related co-benefits NbS can provide, such as improved well-being and disease prevention, while also addressing potential unintended negative consequences, like new health risks or environmental trade-offs.

Marina Treskova, PhD, is a Junior Group Leader of “Eco-Epidemiology” at Heidelberg University. She has a multidisciplinary background in epidemiology, modeling, biology, and economics. Her interest and research focus on environmental degradation and restoration and human health and well-being. She is specifically focusing on designing and executing field studies, experimental studies, and socio-ecological interventions within this nexus.

Time & venue: 05.12.2024, 12:30 p.m., +punkt. Saal, INF 130.2